Friday, June 15, 2012

Choosing Annuals for Containers and Gardens

This spring I worked part time in a local greenhouse.  What a delight to be among the flowers, herbs and vegetable plants. 

I don't have a greenhouse, so this was learning experience, too.  Watering was one of the tasks that had a learning curve.  Amazing what the time of day, outside temperature and cloudy days made in watering requirements..even in different areas of the greenhouse. 

One thing I now suggest when buying nursery plants is asking a nursery employee which plants they have to water most often.  Avoid those that require watering twice a day unless you need a new career path!
Bacoba was one of those plants.  It needs watering at least twice a day. 

Polymer granules added to potting soil reduces watering as often.  An alternative is to roll newspaper tightly and line the bottom of the pot (or planting hole) and soak it with water.  The newspaper will hold moisture and release it slowly.  Eventually it will degrade and feed the soil.

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